"I just had a donut, why am I hungry again?", is this what you say after every snack break. Do you ever eat a snack and then feel like you’re hungry again shortly thereafter? Do you find yourself heading for comfort foods or sweets when you nibble? Or mindlessly snacking while watching television? Snacking can be quite challenging and finding a balance can be quite tricky.

Having issues with snacking is quite common but a few lifestyle changes can set it on track.


Raw vegetables are probably the best snack, due to their fiber amounts. Vegetables are supplied with high amounts of fiber which makes the digestion process slow and keeps you full for a longer time. They are also a huge source of phytonutrients and antioxidants which bless you with flawless skin. Carrots, bell peppers, and peas make the best mid-day snacks possible. Hummus can be taken with vegetables to enhance the flavor. 


Healthy snacking isn’t just about which foods you eat, it is also about how you think and feel about food. Practicing mindfulness around eating times can help you snack on nourishing foods when your body needs more fuel. It is not always about gulping in food, it is about what you want when you want, how you want. If your instinct is to reach for sugary, processed foods, there might be something else going on, like a need to rest, release stress, or process some emotions.


Hydration is the key to fulfillment. Water is like the universal fluid which supports your body's functions in many ways. At times our bodies confuse the sensation of hunger and thirst, drinking water can clear out the difference. I agree drinking plain water can be boring like very boring, for that you can infuse it with fruits and herbs. 


Hearing it for years but never realized it. It is not just about calories it's also about the source of those calories. Processed food is high in carbs, sugar, and fats whereas low in protein, which increases the risk of obesity and fatty liver disease. Trust me, there are healthy swaps for everything, healthy foods are more filling and satisfying. Consume wholesome foods. To avoid processed food stop buying it. You won't run to a convenience store just to get a bar of chocolate but if it were in your fridge nothing could stop you.  


Protein keeps us satiated, and there are a few explanations for the same. The thing is that it takes longer to digest which keeps you full for long, in fact, it is the most satiating macro. Not only it will satisfy your hunger but will also boost your metabolism and promote muscle growth. 

No matter what foods you reach for, try not to overcomplicate snack time. Tune into your body to understand what it needs, and fill up on wholesome, fresh foods. These tips will help you unlock long-lasting health and self-nourishment. Snack time and meals should be a happy time for you rather than a time to panic or stress. 

