Today's day was amazing. I was at college with all my friends and we were having a great deal of fun when a classmate of mine out of random brought in the topic of body insecurity and how people judge you and your skills on the basis of the curves of your body, and how one needs to get into the field of fitness for that very reason. It wasn't shocking to hear this reality because that was me, a few years ago when I thought maybe changing my body would change me and make me this person who would be very happy and confident about herself, but that didn't happen. Sure, loving your body would make you feel more confident as you would be aware of yourself not just mentally but also socially and somewhere or the other mental peace comes when we are at peace with our physical appearances. But, fitting into that perfect body category as shown on social media won't make you happy. I don't have a perfect body but I love whatever I have as this is the body that makes me love myself and others, this is what keeps me moving and meeting my favorite people and having fun in numerous ways. I accepted myself physically and mentally but I didn't love it until recently. I love working out but about a few years back I did it for others rather than myself. Acceptance is easy but love isn't. I just took a flashback of how I overcame my physical insecurities and reached here. It took me years to do that because I was surpassed by failures and hurdles. I kept falling and getting up and being thrown pebbles at, it was tough because I had no one to look at, no one to guide me through this. But I want to be here for you, so that you could feel a back behind you who would always be there for you, helping you and listening to you as and when you want. 


I have always had a bit of dysmorphic nature but it folded around 100 times when I stepped into a teenager. My body dysmorphia led me to anorexia, which was a huge marsh hole. Anyways, coming back to the motion, to overcome my physical insecurity I changed my wardrobe. I started wearing clothes that made me feel like me, they say wear what would appeal the society but I say, FUCK IT, man this is your life, your body, your choice. wear what describes you and what highlights your personality. 


I still do this, before every meeting and important day. You are your best motivator and no one compares to you. Keep that negative sound away and cheer yourself the way you cheer others. You are the best and you deserve the best.


We are all blessed with one or the other genetic physical trait that we don't like. Now I called it a blessing because I feel if we have anything that resembles our family or parents is worth appreciating and you are lucky to carry forward that feature of your hierarchy. 

Of course, it’s good for your health and frame of mind to exercise regularly and follow a balanced, healthy
diet, but there are things that simply can’t be changed no matter how healthy you are or how hard you try.

From the little things like freckles, wrinkles, crooked teeth, or a bump on your nose, to the bigger, self-proclaimed problems like stretch marks, wide hips, or extra weight around your belly that just won’t go away, put effort into accepting these parts of your body. Some of these are impossible to change without surgery, and many are simply the cause of genetics. Either way, you don’t benefit from focusing on things you can’t change. Instead, acknowledge how poisonous these thoughts are and actively work to banish them.


Follow celebrities who love their bodies and work on themselves for themselves. The people around you have an impact on you—negativity from others can bring negativity in your life, making you question choices you make and how you feel about yourself. Being around positive people can also give you a certain level of encouragement and support in regard to your quest to learn to love your body. If you’re comfortable, share your struggles with close friends or family who you know are positive and will help in any way they can.


At times, we overthink about our bodies and think of some things that don't even exist, this leads to problems like dysmorphia, low self-esteem, and confidence. These negative thoughts intrigue us into believing endless flaws that arent true. How you feel about your body will cause you to make choices and act a certain way, causing real harm from something it shouldn’t.


Self-talk doesn’t only help when you look in a mirror. It helps anytime you start having negative thoughts and feelings.

Imagine your friend is talking down about herself. You wouldn’t let that happen without defending her, right? You’d tell her how amazing she is.

So why aren’t you doing that for yourself? Talk to your negative thoughts like you would a friend. Any time doubt and self-loathing come to mind, fight it off with your own words.

Again, body positivity doesn't mean jumping into the unhealthy sector on either side of the scale rather it means embracing what you have and working on yourself for yourself.

XOXO <3 
